THE TAPEWORM RECORDS                    London
********************                    UK
[Tapeworm Tapes]

Owner   : Angelo Gravity (aka Andrew Savage)
Distr.  : UK - Boomkat/Norman/Piccadilly/
          US - Forced Exposure
Style   : experimental / postmodernism / psych.rock / drone / metal / doom /
          noise / improv.noise / electronic / abstract / ambient / disco /
          electroacoustic / house / funk / dub / lounge / field rec. / free
          improv. / contemporary / psychedelic /

The Tapeworm is a cassette-only label. No barcodes. The cassette will never die! Long
live the cassette! Click here to see all The Tapeworm’s tapes.
The Wormhole is a format-free byproduct of The Tapeworm. A splendid home for splendid
sounds in other splendid formats… See all The Wormhole’s discs.
The Bookworm is The Tapeworm’s publishing venture – an irregular series of perfect
paperbacks. Click here to see all The Bookworm’s books.
[From :] aug. 3, 2015

TTW     001     PHILIP JECK             SPOOL CASSETTE                  CS      08.2009

                A4.30                                           4:30
                D4.48                                           4:36
                D1.20                                           4:42
                A7.87                                           4:34
TTW     002     JEAN BAUDRILLARD        LE XEROX ET L'INFINI            CS      08.2009

                Le Xerox Et L'Infini
        A       Part One                                        17:12
        B       Part Two                                        15:07
                (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
TTW     003     STEPHEN O'MELLEY        PETITE GEANTE CASSETTE          CS      09.2009

        A       Petite Géante                                   31:42
        B       Petite Géante                                   31:42
                (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
TTW     004     SIMON FISHER TURNER     DE DENTRO HACIA AFUERA          CS      09.2009

        A       Carboneras Saints Day, 16 July 2002             29:47
        B       Solo Piano Improvisation #54                    27:48
                (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
TTW     005     THE VAN PATTERSON QUARTET : LIVE AT F.W.                CS      10.2009

                Live At F.W.
        A       Part One                                        22:18
        B       Part Two                                        17:27
                (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
TTW     006     DEREK JARMAN : IN CONVERSATION , 1979 - 1980            CS      10.2009

                In Conversation, 1979-80
        A       Part One                                        42:15
        B       Part Two                                        40:07
                (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
TTW     007     SOULS ON BOARD          SOUL ON BOARD                   CS      11.2009

                Sun Down                                        17:45
        A1      Souls On Board–	The Waiting Room
        A2      Souls On Board With Bruce Gilbert–Hole
        A3      Souls On Board With Vladimir Ilijic Uljanov 
                : Roulette
                Moon Up                                         17:45
        B1      Souls On Board–Don't Go Away
        B2      Souls On Board With Daniel Menche–The Janitor
                Announces The Night
                (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
TTW     008     MELTAOT                 FIRST AND SECOND RITES          CS      11.2009

        A       First Rite                                      11:42
        B       Second Rite                                     7:46
                (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
TTW     009     BARACLOUGH : THE LAMPSHADE IS NOT A PAST TENSE          CS      11.2009

        A1      Fire Exit Interior                              14:57
        A2      Your Physical Health                            14:32
        A3      What We Did And Didn't                          15:24
        B1      What We Did And Didn't                          15:24
        B2      Your Physical Health                            14:32
        B3      Fire Exit Interior                              14:57
                (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
TTW     010     E - MAN                 E - MAN                         CS      11.2009

        A1      The Difference                                  3:50
        A2      De Du Da Da Di                                  3:02
        A3      Upland I                                        1:56
        A4      Visjoner                                        5:30
        A5      Upland II                                       0:54
        A6      Great Nations                                   3:41
        A7      Hosono                                          3:24
        B1      Jeg Er Moderne                                  3:58
        B2      Upland III                                      2:58
        B3      Nibsy The Newsboy                               3:32
        B4      Heaven & Hell                                   4:56
        B5      The Mission                                     3:28
        B6      Upland IV                                       2:58
        B7      De Du Da Da Di (Original)                       5:51
                (Note : cassette , 350 copies)
TTW     011     TONGUES OF MOUNT MERY   THE DELIGHT OF ASSEMBLY         CS      02.2010

        A       Part One                                        18:48
        B       Part Two                                        17:44
                (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
TTW     012     STEFAN GOLDMAN : HAVEN'T I SEEN YOU BEFORE              CD      02.2010

        A1      The Eyes Of Jesus Christ (Left Eye)             4:51
        A2      2005                                            3:05
        A3      Spouse                                          2:27
        A4      Wastelands (Version A)                          3:04
        A5      Enclosures (Part 1)                             3:42
        B1      Enclosures (Part 2)                             3:42
        B2      Wastelands (Version B)                          2:52
        B3      Lover                                           2:19
        B4      7513                                            3:07
        B5      The Eyes Of Jesus Christ (Right Eye)            5:01
                (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
                EVER RECORDED

        A       Part One                                        14:37
        B       Part Two                                        17:15
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)
TTW     014     LEIF ELGGREN            ALL ANIMALS ARE SAINTS          CS      02.2010

        A       Life Of The Plants                              13:46
        B       Swedenborg's Organ                              17:43
                (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
TTW     015     LESLIE WINER            & THAT DEAD HORSE               CS      04.2010

        A1      Remote Viewing                                  3:54
        A2      Low Rez And Double Vision                       2:58
        A3      Taxi                                            4:41
        A4      If                                              4:28
        A5      Bleed                                           6:00
        B1      We See 3 Deer                                   4:03
        B2      Switch                                          4:17
        B3      Anime                                           6:49
        B4      Kings Of Sleep                                  4:00
        B5      Pagan Sun                                       3:58
                (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
TTW     016     FENNESZ                 SZAMPLER                        CS      04.2010

        A       Part One                                        28:23
        B       Part Two                                        28:41
                (Note : cassette , 500 copies)
TTW     017     JOHN BUTCHER            TRACE CASSETTE                  CS      05.2010

        A1      Merri I                                         8:20
        A2      Merri II                                        7:44
        A3      Merri III                                       7:42
        B       More Of An Urge Than An Idea                    19:26
                (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
TTW     018     PITA                    MESMER CASSETTE                 CS      05.2010

        A       Mesmer                                          21:05
        B       Mesmer                                          19:17
                (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
TTW     019     DANIEL MENCHE           RAW FALL                        CS      06.2010

        A       Raw Waterfall Recording Of Tunnel Falls At
                The Eagle Creek Trail In The Columbia River Gorge
                In Oregon, USA                                  19:54
        B       Raw Waterfall Recording Of The South Falls In 
                Silver Falls State Park Located In The Oregon
                Cascade Mountains, USA                          20:01
                (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
TTW     020     CHUGGA                  MEMPHISTOPHELIS                 CS      06.2010

        A1      Get Down                                        5:55
        A2      Big Galactic Strut                              5:49
        A3      Theme For The Buck Rogers Light Rope Dance      7:34
        A4      Sittin' On Your Face                            8:03
        A5      Sugar Crash                                     6:00
        B1      Blue Icee                                       4:57
        B2      John's Theme (Shock It)                         5:24
        B3      Big Pickles At The Skate Corral                 4:45
        B4      Wriggly Worm                                    6:25
        B5      Gremlin                                         5:12
        B6      Fucked Up                                       6:50
                (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
TTW     021     CATHI UNSWORTH          JOHNNY REMEMBER ME              CS      07.2010

        A       Johnny Remember Me
        B       Johnny Remember Me
                (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
TTW     022     ZACHARY JAMES WATKINS   BLACK SPIRITUALS                CS      07.2010

        A1      Black Spirituals I-IV
        A2      Black Spirituals II-IV
        B1      Black Spirituals III-IV
        B2      Black Spirituals IV-IV
                (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
TTW     023     ZEROCROP                ON TAPE                         CS      11.2010

        A1      Dear Jim                                        4:05
        A2      Applesauce                                      3:14
        A3      << / >>                                         7:35
        B       Resist The Devil On Tape                        15:42
                (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
TTW     024     RANDY GIBSON            ANALOG APPARITIONS              CS      11.2010

A   The First Analog Pillar With Its Simplest Primes And The
    Harbinger Of The Second Pillar With The Low Madora
    Cornerstone And The Outlying Primal Cirrus From Apparitions
    Of The Four Pillars                                         30:00
B   The Third Analog Pillar With Its Lowest Primes And The 
    Ersatz Souvenir Of The Second Pillar With The High Madora
    Cornerstone And The Outlying Primal Abyss From Apparitions
    Of The Four Pillars                                         30:00
    (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
TTW     025     V / A                   THE TAPEWORM COMES ALIVE!       CS      11.2010

A1  Meltaot                             First Rites (Excerpt)
A2  Baraclough                          Brigitte Fontaine In Cuba
A3  Fennesz                             Szampler (Excerpt)
A4  Zerocrop                            So High
A5  Chugga                              Big Galactic Strut
A6  Leslie Winer                        Low Rez And Double Vision
A7  The Van Patterson Quartet           Live At F.W. (Excerpt)
A8  Normil Hawaiians                    Red Harvest
A9  John Butcher                        Merri III (Excerpt)
A10 Stefan Goldmann                     Spouse/Lover
A11 E-Man                               Nibsy The Newsboy
A12 Daniel Menche                       Raw Fall (Excerpt)
B1  Pete Woodhead* Reads Cathi Unsworth : Johnny Remember Me (Excerpt)
B2  Randy Gibson                        The First Analog Pillar… (Excerpt)
B3  Derek Jarman And Richard Torry : In Conversation 1979-80 (Excerpt)
B4  Philip Jeck                         A4:30
B5  Zachary James Watkins               Black Spirituals III-IV (Excerpt)
B6  Pita                                Mesmer (Excerpt)
B7  Souls On Board                      The Waiting Room (Excerpt)
B8  Goldmann* Vs Fennesz                Remiksz (Excerpt)
B9  Simon Fisher Turner : Carboneras Saints Day, 16 July 2002 (Excerpt)
B10 Leif Elggren                        Swedenborg's Organ (Excerpt)
B11 Philip Marshall                     Ost (Excerpt)
B11 Tongues Of Mount Meru : The Delight Of Assembly (Excerpt)
B12 Autodigest : A Compressed History Of Every Bootleg Ever Recorded (Excerpt)
B13 Patricia And Ellen Read Jean Baudrillard : Le
TTW     026     GOLDMANN VS.FENNESZ     REMIKSZ                         CS      11.2010

        A       Part One                                        28:30
        B       Part Two                                        28:01
                (Note : cassette , 250 copies)
TTW     027     DECEH                   FUNDAMENTAL STRUCTURE           CS      04.2011

        A1      Origin Vibratory
        A2      Rural Harmonics
        A3      That Which Is Heard
        A4      Emerging Presence
        A5      Departure
        B1      Origin Vibratory
        B2      Rural Harmonics
        B3      That Which Is Heard
        B4      Emerging Presence
        B5      Departure
                (NOte : cassette , 400 copies)
TTW     028     PHILIP MARSHALL         CASSE-TETE                      CS      04.2011

        A1      4263 (Number Crunch #1)                         5:24
        A2      Hooks                                           5:28
        A3      The Man Who Fell                                8:34
        B1      9176 (Number Crunch #2)                         4:51
        B2      Slight Return                                   1:31
        B3      Scold                                           4:45
        B4      Anéanti                                         5:19
                (Note : cassette , 200 copies)
TTW     029     PETER HOPE-EVANS        CAST-OFFERINGS ; VISITATIONA ,  CD      04.2011
                FETCHES REVENANTS

        A1      Deportment (With Apports)                       2:51
        A2      A Rag Though Naked May Be…                      5:15
        A3      Clipp'd And Collaps'd (Cupid's Wings)           7:24
        A4      My Journey (Is A Hallucination)                 4:34
        A5      The Falling Step                                5:59
        A6      Ancient Flower Child Singing                    3:42
        A7      A Harp A Skip A Jump (Blue Angles)              8:38
        B1      This Shadow Turn This Shadow Breath             5:58
        B2      A Man Though Naked May Be In Rags               4:04
        B3      In Absentia Oder In Effigie                     9:25
        B4      I Expect No Succour From Benevolent Powers      4:22
        B5      What Charm? What Lip?: Charmolypi               7:06
                (Note : mono cassette , 200 copies)

        A       Concert For 300 Magnetic Tapes                  30:00
                (Note : cassette , 300 copies)
                WITCH OF PILOT'S KNOB

        A       Witch Girl Of Pilot's Knob                      28:55
        B       Child Witch And The Watcher                     21:15
                (Note ; cassette , 200 copies)
TTW     032     OTHON : SILKY HANDS OF A ROUGH PIANO BOY                CS      07.2011

        A1      Othon Mataragas : Behind The Veil Behold The Liquid Light!	
        A2      Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy : Songs Without Words,
                Op.19, No.6, "Venetian Gondola Song"
        A3      Frédéric Chopin : Étude Op.25, No.1 In A-flat Major,
                "Aeolian Harp"
        B1      Othon Mataragas         Kali Dances
        B2      Othon Mataragas         Digital Angel 000
                (Note : cassette , 200 copies)
TTW     033
TTW     034     BURNING TREE            STINGER                         CS      07.2011

        A1      Chug
        A2      Sting
        B1      Shred
        B2      Bite
        B3      Bends
                (Note : cassette , 200 copies)

        A       777 (Mix 2)                                     16:46
        B       777 (Mix 3)                                     20:44
                (Note : cassette , 200 copies)
TTW     036     LARY SEVEN              ROTATION                        CS      11.2011

        A       Live At White Columns, New York (2001)          39:43
        B       Live At Experimental Intermedia, New York (2004)43:14
                (Note : cassette , 200 copies)
TTW     037     STEPHAN MATHIEU         FLAGS                           CS      10.2011

        A       Fanfare/Level 1-5                               10:00
        B       Logo/Level 6-11                                 9:30
                (Note : cassette , 200 copies)
TTW     038     ACHIM MOHNE : AND IT COULD BEEN DEAD...                 CS      03.2012

        A1      How To Use This Cassette
        A2      Widerverwendung
        A3      All I Have Ever Listened To
        A4      Immer Wieder
        B1      Once Upon A Time They All Lived Happily Ever After
        B2      Syntactical Swap
        B3      Tapeworm Infection
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     039     PHILIP CORNER           PIANO WORK'D                    CS      02.2012

        A       Frame                                           39:50
        B1      Strings                                         31:12
        B2      Keyboard                                        24:30
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     040     OLD APPARATUS           15:24 - 15:46                   CS      03.2012

        A       15:24-15:46                                     21:16
                (Note : cassette , 1-sided , 250 copies)
TTW     041     DRCARL SONALBION        EDWARD KELLEY'S BLUES           CS      03.2012

        A       Edward Kelley's Blues                           25:00
        B       Drunk On Angelspeech                            25:00
                (Note : cassette , 400 copies)
TTW     042     STEINBRUCHEL            SINUS                           CS      06.2012

        A1      Sinus 1                                         16:04
        A2      Sinus 2                                         13:50
        B1      Sinus 3                                         15:06
        B2      Sinus 4                                         14:49
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)

        A1      North
        A2      East
        B1      South
        B2      West
                (Note : cassette , 200 copies)
TTW     044     THE AUTOMATICS GROUP    AMMO A MASS A MAT               CS      06.2012

        A       Mass Extinction Event                           21:13
        B       Event Of Mass Distinction                       21:13
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     045     ANDREW POPPY            AIFERNAL FURNITURE              CS      06.2012

                Infernal Sonatas
        A1      Sonata One
        A2      Sonata Two
        A3      Sonata Four A
        A4      Sonata Four B
        A5      Sonata Nine
                Infernal Dub Furniture
        B1      Sonata One Dub
        B2      Sonata Two Dub
        B3      Sonata Four A Dub
        B4      Sonata Four B Dub
        B5      Sonata Nine Dub
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     046     CHRIS CONNELLY          THE COLLEPASE OF EIGHT          CS      09.2012

        A       The Collapse Of Ether                           31:13
        B       Rehtefoespalloc                                 31:15
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies only)
TTW     047     GASTON AREVALO          CLASSICAL LANDSCAPES            CS      09.2012

        A1      Luxembourg                                      5:17
        A2      Alassio                                         6:02
        B1      Landen                                          6:00
        B2      Heide                                           5:02
        B3      Atlas                                           3:33
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     048     MARANATA                ROYAL HEX                       CS      01.2013

        A       Loud Hair                                       18:24
        B       Royal Hex                                       17:41
                (Note : cassette , 175 copies)
TTW     049     DALE CORNISH            FLESHPILE THEMATIC              CS      01.2013

        A1      Of An Evening                                   4:41
        A2      Canopy                                          5:14
        A3      The Unctuous                                    3:30
        A4      A Lucky Escape                                  2:10
        A5      The List                                        4:42
        B1      Weathermud                                      4:43
        B2      The Control                                     1:56
        B3      Lowlight                                        5:30
        B4      Falsehood                                       2:05
        B5      To Be Blunt                                     1:57
                (Note : cassette , 200 copies)
TTW     050     PYE CORNER AUDIO        THE EVER-PRESENT HUM            CS      01.2013

        A       Part 1 (Motorway)                               14:45
        B       Part 2 (Treetop)                                14:45
TTW     051     PHIL JULIAN             LIVE FLUX                       CS      01.2013

        A       Hope And Anchor, 19/04/2012                     17:05
        B       ICA, 14/07/2012                                 17:38
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     052     MILLIMETRE              SEX DREAMS OF THE I CHING       CS      04.2013

        A1      Slept Off Woke Up                               7:49
        A2      Phantom Intercourse                             5:50
        A3      Close Blows                                     5:09
        B1      When We Were Strangers                          5:47
        B2      Dusk Bled Rubies                                5:48
        B3      Summoning Of The Comfort Zone                   6:19
                (Note : cassette , 175 copies)
TTW     053     RAY GALLON : NAM JUNE PAIK-A WORK FOR RADIO             CS      04.2013

        A       Part One                                        32:30
        B       Part Two                                        28:51
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     054     THE NORMAN CONQUEST     MYRIAD                          CS      04.2013

        A       Myriad                                          31:27
        B       Myriad                                          31:27
                (Note : cassette , 154 copies)
TTW     055     COLIN POTTER            THE FIGHTS OF THE SOUND CABLE   CS      04.2013

        A       Melodious Thunk                                 18:53
        B       Articulate                                      16:47
                (Note : cassette , 175 copies)
TTW     056     ELEKTRO GUZZI           CIRCLING ABOVE                  CS      07.2013

        A       Circle One                                      28:58
        B1      Circle Two                                      15:15
        B2      Acid Bonus                                      05:44
                (Note : cassette , 200 copies)
TTW     057     AMY WINDEATH            SPEAKEASY                       CS      07.2013

        A       Consider Well Before Speaking                   30:08
        B       Speak Freely                                    30:02
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     058     ROBERT CURGENVEN        TRANSFIXED                      CS      07.2013

        A       Such Was The Wreck Of The Hesperus              16:00
        B       The Internal Meta-Narrative Of Turner’s Tempest
                As He Is Tied To The Mast In Order To Create
                The Direct Experience Of The Drama Embodied
                Within A “Snow Storm - [Wherein A] Steam-Boat
                Off A Harbour’s Mouth Making Signals In Shallow
                Water, And Going By The Lead [Is Rendered By
                Virtue Of The Claim That] The Author Was In
                This Storm On The Night The Ariel Left Harwich.” 15:30
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)

        A1      First
        A2      Spring
        A3      Ninepence
        A4      Skate
        A5      Angel
        A6      Chase
        A7      Delos
        A8      Jingle
        A9      Mountain
        A10     Run
        A11     Snow
        B1      Next
        B2      Moon
        B3      Heartbeat
        B4      Play
        B5      Flutes
        B6      Pain
        B7      Wait
        B8      Omen
        B9      Wave
        B10     Glass
        B11     Light
        B12     End
                (Note : cassette , 200 copies)
TTW     060     V / A                   SOMETHING SPECIAL               CS      08.2013

A               Is For Antwerp. Entr’acte Mixed By The Tapeworm 28:24
        A1      Jo Thomas               Dark Noise
        A2      Dale Cornish            Of An Evening (SE5)
        A3      Noetinger / eRikm / Doneda : Nervures
        A4      Renato Rinaldi          Untitled
        A5      Kostis Kilymis          Reaction As The Afterthought
        A6      Lander Gyselinck And Esther Venrooy : Is It Real?
        A7      Machinefabriek          Worm II
        A8      Giuseppe Ielasi         Untitled
        A9      Kallabris : The Standard Of A Fly (Chicago School)
        A10     Joachim Nordwall        Procession
B               Is For Berlin. The Tapeworm Mixed By Entr’acte  32:03
        B1      Colin Potter            Melodious Thunk
        B2      Stephan Mathieu         Pauline
        B3      Autodigest As Performed By José Maria Lopes : Compression 3
        B4      Othon : Behind The Veil Behold The Liquid Light!
        B5      Achim Mohné : First Five Minutes - Live At KHM
        B6      Gastón Arévalo          Atlas
        B7      Millimetre              When We Were Strangers
        B8      The Swifter             Neap Tide
        B9      Steinbrüchel            Sinus 5
                (Note : cassette , 200 copies)

        A1      B.U.L.B.L.U.B.                                  7:56
        A2      Second                                          8:54
        A3      A Fondness For Broken Mondriaans                7:55
        B1      Bricks, Corners, Cul De Sac                     8:07
        B2      Approximately 0.65                              6:18
        B3      Migraine Minute Shifts                          4:45
        B4      72                                              3:11
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     062     WHERE IS THIS           INFINITE HUM                    CS      01.2014

        A       Infinite Hum                                    21:40
        B1      Infinite Hiss                                   13:52
        B2      Infinite Howl                                   12:08
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     063     SGR-CAV                 MOVED BY MAGNETS                CS      01.2014

        A1      Qzhyd                                           4:36
        A2      Traet                                           9:25
        A3      Ice Trolley 45                                  8:15
        B       Unveil                                          15:21
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     064     JOHN CHANTLER           AUTOMATIC MUSIC, VOL.2          CS      01.2014

        A       For Nuno (19:44)                                19:44
        B       No Poetry (19:48)                               19:48
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     065     OREN AMBARCHI           AMULET                          CS      01.2014

        A       I                                               14:12
        B       II                                              15:08
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     066     OSMAN ARABI             DESTROYING SYMPHONY             CS      06.2014

        A1      Untitled                                        4:47
        A2      Untitled                                        4:11
        A3      Untitled                                        5:17
        A4      Untitled                                        4:19
        A5      Untitled                                        4:46
        B1      Untitled                                        5:33
        B2      Untitled                                        3:48
        B3      Untitled                                        5:01
        B4      Untitled                                        5:07
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     067     SHARON GAL              BIRDSONGS                       CS      06.2014

        A       Birdsongs                                       15:07
        B1      Alarm Call                                      03:37
        B2      Étude (1st)                                     03:12
        B3      Trouble In Paradise (2010)                      04:27
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     068     GRAHAM DOWDALL          OUTSIDE BROADCAST               CS      06.2014

        A       Home Service                                    19:34
        B       Light Programme                                 18:14
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     069     MICHAEL MUENNICH        SCHAMPROZESSIONEN               CS      06.2014

        A       14'29''                                         14:29
        B       14'45''                                         14:45
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     070     V / A : SPIRE-LIVE IN BERGEN                            CS      09.2014

        A1      Charles Matthews Plays JS Bach : Komm, Heiliger Geist
        A2      Charles Matthews Plays Giacinto Scelsi : In Nomine Lucis
        A3      BJNilsen And John Beaumont : Black Death
        B1      The Eternal Chord : The Eternal Chord (Live)
        B2      Marcus Davidson : Ananta
        B3      The Spire Ensemble : Live In Bergen
        B4      Charles Matthews Plays Arvo Part : Pari Intervallo
TTW     071     C.M. VON HAUSSWOLFF     DARK 80IES                      CS      09.2014

        A1      Phauss : We're Not Able To Realize Your Order
        A2      Phauss : Saharan Royal Blue
        A3      Phauss : We're Not Able To Realize Your Order (Cont…)
        A4      Blue For Two : The Drums (Remixed)
        A5      Phauss : We're Not Able To Realize Your Order (Cont…)
        A6      Phauss : Hafez Phauss
        A7      Phauss : We're Not Able To Realize Your Order (Cont…)
        A8      von Hausswolff / Lipp : ZacRadiuMatic Test
        B1      Phauss : Moving Towards The Sun
        B2      CM von Hausswolff : Midsummers Day 1984-March 1985/Unwoman
        B3      von Hausswolff/Karkowski Royal Music #3
                (Beyond The Veil Of Death At The Right-Time Hotel) For
                Richard Wagner And The Yanomamo Sniffers
        B4      Phauss : Poland 10-20.4 1989
        B5      Phauss : Folkwar
        B6      von Hausswolff / Lipp : ZacRadiuMatic Commercial
TTW     072     DALE CORNISH & PHIL JULIEN : TWO WARHOL'S WORTH         CS      01.2015

        A1      Limbering                                       3:24
        A2      Personify A                                     4:20
        A3      217                                             2:49
        A4      Language Is A Nuisance                          2:10
        A5      Acclimate                                       2:16
        A6      Milktrain Wisdom                                1:27
        B1      Each To His Own                                 3:35
        B2      Wrong Angle                                     2:24
        B3      North London Shouting                           1:58
        B4      Beverly Settles                                 1:07
        B5      German Apple Cake                               1:44
        B6      Ex-Local                                        2:39
TTW     073     AUTODIGEST              FREE TAPE                       CS      09.2014

        A       Untitled
        B       Untitled
                (Note : cassette , 50 copies)

        A       Daft Phunk                                      46:01
        B       Nozes                                           53:57
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     075     TELEVISION SET          EMMA HAUCK'S LETTERS            CS      01.2015

        A1      Drawings On A Bus                               3:12
        A2      Demo 40                                         4:14
        A3      North Atlantic Defense Coalition                2:22
        A4      Plans And Maps                                  2:37
        B1      Instructions To Shunters                        3:37
        B2      Lampada Annuale                                 2:57
        B3      Trajectories                                    3:43
        B4      Disused Stations                                3:28
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     076     PAUL H. WILLIAMS        AEROFORMS                       CS      01.2015

        A       Aeroforms 2                                     46:20
        B       Aeroforms 1                                     46:30
                RESONANCE (VOL.1)

        A       Black Zenith I                                  18:53
        B       Black Zenith II                                 19:01
                (Note : cassette , 200 copies)
                SKULL TONES

        A1      Untitled                                        12:30
        A2      Untitled                                        5:04
        B1      Untitled                                        10:04
        B2      Untitled                                        9:56
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)

A   Mark Fell With Rhodri Davies	A Pattern For Becoming
    (Performed At The Blue Room, Royal Festival Hall, 22nd
    January 2015)                                               34:00
B   Mark Fell With Okkyung Lee	A Pattern For Becoming
    (Performed At The Blue Room, Royal Festival Hall, 26th
    March 2015)                                                 34:00
    (Note : cassette, 150 copies only. Cover collage by D.M. Nagu)
TTW     080     MARK VAN HOEN : THE WORCESTER TAPES, 1983-1987          CS      09.2015

        A       Fortified Hill (1987)                           31:06
        B1      Music For Dancers In Disguise (1983)            4:38
        B2      Riverboats (1983)                               2:19
        B3      Enigma Codes (1984)                             2:04
        B4      Truancy (1983)                                  2:13
        B5      Reports (1984)                                  2:05
        B6      Passage Abroad (1986)                           3:42
        B7      Old Men's Wars (1983)                           3:36
        B8      The Stone Fiddle (1983)                         3:00
        B9      Dispelling (1984)                               4:59
        B10     Vomit (1985)                                    2:26
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     081     KEN HOLLINGS            WORKS FOR MAGNETIC TAPE         CS      11.2015

        A       There Must Be Something Wrong With This, Sally  27:50
        B1      Ideas Are One Thing, And What Happens Is Another16:32
        B2      Parasitic Infestation                           11:57
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)
TTW     082     NOTHING : THE WRONG ANSWER BECAME RIGHT                 CS      02.2016

        A1      AUM
        A2      Sudterranean
        A3      Going To Mela's
        A4      Raising Fire
        A5      Time Tight… Wonder
        A6      Summer Pow
        A7      Summer Pow Coda
                (Note : 1-sided cassette , 100 copies)
TTW     083     CRISTIAN VOGEL          'MIST TAPE                      CS      11.2016

        A       Part I                                          47:13
        B       Part II                                         46:46
TTW     084     UNICAZURN               OMEGAPAVILION                   CS      11.2016

        A       Extract Of Eternal Conumbra                     31:34
        B1      Heliomantra                                     21:47
        B2      Phosphor AKS                                    09:20
TTW     085     LORI E ALLEN            TEARS OF THE MATERIAL VULTURE   CS      08.2016

        A       Part I                                          41:25
        B       Part II                                         39:12
TTW     086     NIGEL WRENCH            ZA86                            CS (m)  02.2015

        A       Part One                                        15:00
        B       Part Two                                        14:58
                (Note : mono cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     087     ACID FOUNTAIN           SABINA                          CS      12.2016

        A1      Dreaming/Drumming                               8:35
        A2      San Pedro                                       3:54
        A3      Goodbye Industry                                3:25
        A4      Heavy Sand                                      2:58
        B1      Terres Rares                                    8:04
        B2      Étoiles Filantes                                1:21
        B3      Mujer Espírit                                   10:32
TTW     88      MARTA DE PASCALIS       ANZAR                           CS      12.2016

        A       Anzar                                           19:25
        B       Emerso                                          17:35
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)
TTW     089     MARK FELL : FOCAL MUSIC #3, #4, #5a, #5b                CS      11.2016

A1  Mark Fell With Aby Vulliamy:Focal Music #4 With Aby Vulliamy,
    Viola, Leeds 2015                                           10:47
A2  Mark Fell With Laura Cannell : Focal Music #3 With Laura
    Cannell, Overbowed Violin, Newcastle 2015                   20:48
B1  Mark Fell With Sandro Mussida : Focal Music #5a With Sandro
    Mussida, Piano, Karlsruhe 2016                              15:27
B2  Mark Fell With Sandro Mussida : Focal Music #5b With Sandro
    Mussida, Piano, Karlsruhe 2016                              15:19
    (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     090     LE FORBICI DI MANITÚ    SALIVA CALDA                    CS        .2016

        A1      La Gengiva Superiore Di Dio                     9:04
        A2      La Mia Psicobanana                              7:28
        A3      La Gengiva Inferiore Di Dio                     6:00
        B1      Damento Tan Creppo                              13:36
        B2      Wild Childhood                                  3:10
        B3      Saliva Calda                                    3:48
        B4      Adelaide                                        1:33
TTW     091     BITING TONGUES          STILL ON HAWAIIAN TIME          CS      11.2016

                Library Theatre, Manchester 16.6.1983
        A1      Still On Hawaiian Time
        A2      Feverhouse (Part II)
        A3      Iyahboune End
        A4      Dr Restore He Sight (Partially)
        A5      When It Breaks On You (Part I)
        A6      Lock Up State
        A7      When It Breaks On You (Part II)
        A8      Dragman II
        A9      Dirt For 485
        A10     Iyahboune (Front)
        A11     First Use All The G’s
        A12     Everywhere But Here
                Riverside Studios, London 5.6.1982
        B1      The Toucanostra
        B2      The Dragman
        B3      44
        B4      Big Timing
        B5      Live It
        B6      45 47a
        B7      Evening State/Lock Up State
        B8      Dr Restore He Sight
        B9      Aair Care
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)

Biting Tongues were formed in 1978 to improvise a soundtrack to the screening of
a 16mm experimental film of the same name at Tony Wilson's original Factory Club in
Manchester. A core membership was soon established that was to last until 1984
: Howard Walmsley (sax) Ken Hollings (texts), Eddie Sherwood (drums,) Colin Seddon
(bass) and Graham Massey (guitar & noise)
TTW     92      JAY GLASS DUBS          DISLOCATED FOLKLORE             CS      03.2017

        A       Dislocated Dub                                  29:57
        B       Folklore Dub                                    30:25
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)

Dimitris Papadatos (b.1981,USA) is a composer, musician and sound artist based in
Athens Greece. His experimentation in various territories of sound began in 2002
and since then he has indulged in sonic areas that vary from pop music to music
concrete, post-grime and dub. At the moment he actively runs three projects: U,
The Hydra and Jay Glass Dubs.
Jay Glass Dubs is Dimitris Papadatos on a mission to imagine a different pathway that
dub music might have taken. Dislocated Folklore stirs spoken recordings of the Quran
and time-stretched samples from old Ragga tunes into the usual Jay Glass Dubs
ingredients, and ends up with an hours-worth of strange soundworlds.
TTW     93      SIMON SCOTT             STUK                            CS      03.2017

        A       Part One                                        16:40
        B       Part Two                                        16:40

Slowdive drummer Simon Scott was just heading out onto stage to play a set of his solo
work when he heard the news of the tragic events at the Bataclan in Paris. This rec.of
his November 2015 set is therefore dedicated to all the victims of that terrible night.
This is a room recording of the entire show, a one-off set showcasing his lovely
drifting ambience inspired by the natural world.
Recorded live at STUK Kunstencentrum, Leuven, Belgium on 13th November 2015. Room
recording made on an Edirol R-09hr. Written and performed live by Simon Scott.
TTW     94      RISHAUG/MARHAUG         CORNEAL CLOUDS                  CS      04.2017

A.      1.      Seeing Eye Dog                                  12:37
        2.      Subjective Refraction Error                     10:00
B.      3.      Gentle But Willing                              07:51
        4.      Dogs For The Blind                              09:05

Norwegian sound artists Alexander Rishaug and Lasse Marhaug have worked together as
a duo for almost 20 years. In this time they have produced one album, 2004's Feel Free
At Home. Now, the pair are ready with their follow-up: Corneal Clouds. The music was
recorded in 2012, then put through an extensive and meticulous fermentation process
of five years until now -- at last -- it is ready for the public. Rishaug Marhaug
promotes positive thinking through their unique brand of electronic music. Recorded
at Brugata, Oslo, 2012. Mixed by Alexander Rishaug at SinZen Studios, Oslo, 2017.
Mastered by Stephan Mathieu at Schwebung Mastering. Illustration by SavX. Ed. of 125.
                YOU DO

A.      1.      But It Felt/In Other Dreams                     14:12
B.      2.      She Who Controls                                15:00

Pinkcourtesyphone is a continuing project by Los Angeles-based sound artist Richard
Chartier. Ed. of 100 copies
TTW     096     LIGHTNING IN A TWILIGHT HOUR : QUIET ACTIONS            CS      06.2017

        A       Abandoned Islands                               18:16
        B       Suspended Animation                             17:57
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     097     LAURA AGNUSDEI          NIGHT/LIGHTS                    CS      09.2017

        A1      Midnight Bug                                    5:30
        A2      Growing Cold                                    4:35
        B1      Rising Comet                                    3:51
        B2      Silver Lining                                   4:16
                (Note : cassette , 75 copies)
TTW     098     PHAROAH CHRONIUM        TOKYO SEX DESTRUCTION           CS      09.2017

        A       Tokyo Sax Destruction                           17:41
        B1      Tokyo Sex Destruction                           12:43
        B2      Wall Free Jericho                               4:47
                (Note : cassette , 75 copies)
TTW     099     DAMO SUZUKI'S NETWORK FT. CHATEAU LAUT : AUSLAND        CS      11.2017

        1.      Side A                                          27:54
        2.      Side B                                          30:46

Damo Suzuki in performance with Chƒteau Laut, recorded at Ausland, Berlin, 30.iv.2010
by Stephan Laackman. Mastered for cassette format by Mark Van Hoen. Ed. of 150.
TTW     100     V / A                   A CAN OF WORMS                  C120    10.2017

A               Can Of Worms
                –Achim Mohné            A Can Of Worms
                –Simon Fisher Turner    Crow Sculpture
                –Laura Agnusdei         Laurisilva
                –Howlround              Untitled (080417 Demo 4)
                –Hanno Leichtmann       E.N.L.
                –Cristian Vogel         StochWalk Seed 0.13755
                –Autodigest : Can Boots Reboot? (A Tentative Jaki Tribute)
                –Andrew Poppy           X Track Hex
                –Othon                  Limitless
                –No Artist              Esprit Critique
                –SGR^CAV                Fight For Light
                –Tearsov                Prescription
                –Saturn And The Sun     Bad Vibes In Rural Environment
                –Château Laut : Moby’s Meat (Live At Schokoladen, 20.ii.09)
                –Derek Jarman In Conversation With Richard Torry : Punks
                –Jasmin Blasco          Sunrise On The Black Sea
                –Marta de Pascalis      Free Sempre
                –Kumo                   Me, Myself, I (Excerpt)
                –No Artist              One-Two
                –Parker                 Lullaby (Demo)
B               Can Of Worms
                –Stefan Goldmann        Intrinsic
                –Carl Michael von Hausswolff : Matter III (Version 0.1)
                –John Butcher           Monk Hum
                –Henry Rodrick          Isle Of Dogs
                –Leslie Winer           Don’t Be Tempted
                –Watkins / Peacock      Two With Three Of Six
                –Jay Glass Dubs         Honorary Worm Dub
                –Mark Van Hoen          The Voice Of Many Waters
                –Philip Marshall        Tyro
                –Le Forbici Di Manitu   Krohn (1988)
                –Christos Chondropoulos Disco Veduno
                –Acid Fountain          Dznce
                –Paul H Williams        Flying
                –No Artist              168	
                –Offerings For The Cannibal Gods : The Opposing Forces
                    Of Memory And Oblivion
                –Leif Elggren           Fee Five Foo Fun
                –Nigel Wrench           ZA87 (Excerpt)
                –Phil Julian            Tempo Wreath
                –Dale Cornish           One Hundred

(Note : cassette , limited edition of 150. Illustration by SavX)
TTW     101     NYZ                     XNOTNL                          CS      02.2018

        A1:     FM60Pcelltwonky
        A2:     NYZ-1_HI-TINEZ4
        A3:     FM60Pcelltwinky::welcome2myworld
        A4:     NYZ-1_FM40Psubtree
        A5:     NYZ-1_HI-TINEZ3
        A6:     FM60POrvPyt
        A7:     NYZ-1_LTDRN
        A8:     NYZ-1_QVtwungler
        A9:     NYZ-1_LTDRN2
        B1:     MTNAM_8_SRi::OrganDonor
        B2:     FM40Pacidfractionalnote
        B3:     FM40Pcelltwerkle::welcome2myworld
        B4:     NYZ-1_HI-TINEZ
        B5:     NYZ-1_HI-TINEZ2
        B6:     NYZ-1_DRN3
        B7:     NYZ-1_DRN2
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)

Written and produced by David Burraston. Recorded at Noyzelab, 2014-2017. Random
artwork, generated using seed number 0xAF30F0843192FC4, by Matthew Petty.
                SOCIETIES OF THE BASIN

        A1      Desire As Love                                  7:12
        A2      Disco Veduno                                    2:28
        A3      Maternal                                        4:47
        B1      The Turkish Bath                                3:53
        B2      Smile Again                                     5:18
        B3      Future Basin                                    7:03
                (Note : cassette , 75 copies)
TTW     103     MAMIFFER                SONGS FOR LILAC III             CS      11.2017

A1  0:00–3:12: Found Recording 2007
A2  3:13–10:30: Recording/Performance By F. Coloccia 2008-2009
A3  10:31–13:15: Recording/Mix By Randall Dunn, Performance By F. Coloccia 2015
A4  13:16–16:13: Recording/Performance By A. Turner 2015
A5  16:14–End: Recording/Performance By F. Coloccia 2011
B1  0:00–3:16: Manipulated Found Recording/Recording/Performance By A.Turner 2015
B2  3:17–4:30: Recording By F. Coloccia 2016
B3  4:31–6:02: Recording By A. Turner, Performance By F. Coloccia 2015
B4  6:03–8:41: Recording/Performance By F. Coloccia 2010
B5  8:42–9:33: Recording/Performance By A. Turner 2014
B6  9:34–13:35: Recording By F. Coloccia 2011
B7  13:36–16:00: Recording By A. Turner, Performance By F. Coloccia 2014
B8  16:01–16:49: Recording/Manipulation By F. Coloccia, Mix By Randall Dunn 2010
B9  16:50–End: Recording/Performance By F. Coloccia 2010 + 2015
    (Note : cassette , 150 copies)
TTW     104     HANNO LEICHTMANN        SY-4                            CS      03.2018

        A       SY-4 Berlin Mix                                 16:00
        B       SY-4 Budapest Mix                               15:49
                (Note : cassette , 104 copies)
TTW     105     THE DEAD MAURIACS : Divertissements Et Malaises: Airs   CS      02.2018
                A Danser 

        A1      Italiens En Canon
        A2      Radio Chiffrée, Vague Protocole
        A3      Intermede Grand Band
        A4      L’importance Des Chemises En Rayonne
        A5      Danses Sacrées Des Ambassades
        A6      Courte Tension
        B1      Aloha Titanic
        B2      Clair de Lune Interrompu
        B3      No Da Dada
        B4      Révélation Des Hiboux

The Dead Mauriacs' music is a journey into post-industrial landscapes, nonsensical
h”rspiel, concrete exotica, Ballardian dystopia: a joyful nightmare. It is Olivier
Prieur's art and music project -- primarily a solo act, but occasionally a collective
with the addition of nice and lovely people such as Susan Matthews, Vincent Domeyne,
Thorsten Soltau, Jan Warnke, and Michael Esposito -- with recent and forthcoming
releases on Discrepant, NPH, and Ger„uschmanufaktur. The Dead Mauriacs: field
recordings, real and fake piano, files, computer, music. Cassette only; Edition of 75.
TTW     106     SKY-CHU /U/             SKY-CHU /U/                     CS      06.2018

        A       SKY - CHU /u/                                   44:25
        B       SKY - CHU Improv 1                              40:07
TTW     107     SATURN & THE SUN : A COMPLETE HISTORY OF MIND           CS      05.2018

A.      1.      Escape From Your Hell                           08:49
        2.      Slow Down, Scum                                 15:15
B.      3.      In Love With The Extreme                        12:39
        4.      Mind Is A Mess                                  12:28
TTW     108     KUMO                    DAY/NIGHT                       CS      05.2018

        1.      Day                                             30:00
        2.      Night                                           30:00
TTW     109     KOSTIS KILYMIS          SECOND SATURATION               CS      10.2018

        A1      Control Baggage
        A2      From This Here Edge
        A3      In Slow Metallic Grace
        A4      Voices Go Back
        B1      Voices Return
        B2      Haringey Versions
        B3      Which Area Describes You Best?

Kostis Kilymis is a Bristol-based artist. He performs electronic and noise music
based on live synthesis, rhythm and found sound. His work focuses on immersive
environments, feedback systems and the notion of representation. He has been an
improviser, performer and collaborator – his encounters including Lucio Capece,
Nikos Veliotis, Greg Pope, Leif Elggren, Sarah Hughes, Stephen Cornford and Phil
Julian amongst others. He has published work on labels such as Rekem, I Dischi del
Barone, Strange Rules and Coherent States.

        A       Infinite Vice I                                 14:38
        B       Infinite Vice II                                12:08

Tantalising pairing of Norwegian electroacoustician Jon Wesseltoft and powerhouse
Hungarian drummer Balazs Pandi, who has recently been prominently in action with
a certain Merzbow. Infinite Vice is less relentless and more explorative than the
Merzwork: though some of the electronic textures are pretty fizzy, the general vibe
is of listening and improvised textures.
TTW     111     ZENO VAN DEN BROEK      ENTROP                          CS      10.2018

        A1      Untitled                                        4:50
        A2      Untitled                                        3:58
        A3      Untitled                                        5:05
        A4      Untitled                                        4:44
        B1      Untitled                                        3:08
        B2      Untitled                                        13:16
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)

Zeno van den Broek is a Dutch-born, Copenhagen-based composer and artist. Van den
Broek works in a multi-sensory way to research and express physical, social and
acoustic notions. He utilises immaterial, digital and temporal means to create site
and concept-specific works. This trans-disciplinary method has a strong conceptual
foundation, originating from his background in architecture, which enables him to
comprehend and reveal the richness and complexity of spatial, visceral and physical
TTW     112     THOMAS MAHMOUD          UNIVORM                         CS      03.2019

        A       Univorm A                                       17:24
        B       Univorm B                                       16:41

Thomas Mahmoud is the latest artiste to appear on the ever-intriguing Tapeworm tape
label. Univorm is a suite built up out of sonic detritus: the ‘mistakes’ and offcuts
that you might usually expect producers to be trying to eliminate. But by deftly
assembling and processing such sounds, Mahmoud has produced a tape that is compelling
Born in 1977, Thomas Mahmoud is a Berlin based cross-disciplinary artist – musician,
sound designer, performer, author and radioplay producer.
TTW     113     WILD DAUGHTER           LIVE AT THE BACKSTREET          CS      12.2018

        A1      Take Your Life/We Don't Like
        A2      Get Gone
        A3      Digit It
        A4      Snatch
        A5      Mr. G
        A6      Mr. Midnight
        A7      Brando Bomb
        A8      Carry Me Home
        B1      Take Your Life/We Don't Like
        B2      Get Gone
        B3      Digit It
        B4      Snatch
        B5      Mr. G
        B6      Mr. Midnight
        B7      Brando Bomb
        B8      Carry Me Home
                (Note : cassette , 150 copies total)

Wild Daughter are the light and the dark, the push/pull, the tension, the release.
On "Live at The Backstreet" – recorded on 13.ix.18 at infamous East London gentlemen's
club The Backstreet – they are captured live, in their element. Accompanied by newest
members Jacob Shaw and Conrad Pack, founders James Jeanette and Stuart McKenzie
conjure up sexual demons, inciting the audience almost into a ritualistic trance.
TTW     114     DAVIDE LUCIANI          CALMING COUNTS                  CS      08.2019

        A1      Asleep                                          8:59
        A2      Awakening                                       4:56
        B       Death To The Other Side                         11:07

(Note : cassette , mastered by Simon Scott at SPS Mastering. Illustration by Anna
        von Hausswolff)
TTW     115     MOON RA                 GCT                             CS      08.2019

A.      1.      Intro
        2.      Need To Fight Inside & Outside The Windows Of The
                Inverted Spirit
        3.      Acid Casual Caustic
        4.      Apex Domina
B.      5.      Caustic First Shot Of Fire In My Arms With The Questions
                In My Hands & In My Back
        6.      Digital Answers/Analog Answers
        7.      TACRMN
        8.      Obviously Disoriented About The Opinions Of The Main
                Roads Of The Happy Prince
        9.      Chiusa
        10.     About 40mg (Kairos edit)
TTW     116     JOHN MACEDO             LEFT BEHIND                     CS      08.2019

A.      1.      Church The Light Of The World
        2.      Sixty-four Sine Waves (D Aeolian)
        3.      Sixty-four Sine Waves (C Major)
        4.      Sixty-four Sine Waves (G Minor)
        5.      Sound For Animation That Never Happened
B.      6.      No Input Mixer Improvisation
        7.      Warm Room
        8.      Modified Portable CD Player
        9.      WORM
TTW     117     SWANTJE LICHTENSTEIN+JONO PODMORE : HALLRAUM            CS      10.2019

        1.      Part 1
        2.      Part 2
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)
TTW     118     AARON TURNER            INTERMINABLE CONNIPTION         CS      10.2019

        1.      I Can See What's Coming
        2.      And Though Resistance Is Mighty
        3.      Its Arrival's A Certainty
                (Note : cassette , 200 copies)
TTW     119     MIDDEX                  SCRUTINY                        CD      12.2019

A.      1.      Visitor Fed
        2.      Rook Takes Town
        3.      Scrutiny
        4.      Taker
B.      5.      Visitor Fed (Oblex version)
        6.      Rook Takes Town (Oblex version)
        7.      Scrutiny (Oblex version)
        8.      Taker (Oblex version)
TTW     120     JAY GLASS DUBS : Two Devotional Songs For Spacemen 3    CS      11.2019
                In The Style Of Love Inc.

        A       Devotional Song One                             19:43
        B       Devotional Song Two                             20:04

Dimitris Papadatos is a composer, musician and sound artist based in Athens, Greece.
The main concern in his work is an apposition of disparate elements that assume a
re-appropriation of historically applied methodologies while questioning forms of
empowering them. The biggest body of his work reflects issues as copyright,
spirituality and originality, undergoing a constant state of transfiguration of its
outsourcing. His project, Jay Glass Dubs, is an exercise of style focusing on a
counter-factual historical approach of dub music, stripped down to its basic
drum/bass/vox/effects form.
TTW     121     ICEMAN JUNGLIST KRU     MASHED ON PILLS                 CS      01.2020

A.      1.      Cold War Surveillance State 2-Step
        2.      Mashed On Pills!
        3.      Could Jandek Exist In This Day And Age?
B.      4.      Leningrad Cowboy
        5.      The Rave At The End Of The Universe
        6.      Five Minutes Of Static For Robbie Basho
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)
TTW     122     WATKINS/PEACOCK : ACID ESCAPE (VOLUME ONE)              CS      01.2020

        1.      Holves
        2.      Vibration
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)
TTW     123     DALE CORNISH            XYZ                             CS      12.2019
                (An ABC Of The Tapeworm As Mixed By Dale Cornish)

        1.      XYZ Part 1
        2.      XYZ Part 2

        1.      Part I                                          21:32
        2.      Part II                                         20:51
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)
TTW     125     BANA HAFFAR & NOUR MOBARAK : YOU ARE THE AUDIENCE       CS      04.2020

        1.      Live at Zebulon, March 18, 2018                 26:33
        2.      "You Are The Audience", Live at Potts Gallery,
                May 18, 2018                                    24:22
        3.      Primary Worker (Studio Version)                 05:00
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)
TTW     126     SIMON FISHER TURNER : Life Recordings From Prospect     CS      04.2020
                Cottage And The Ness

        A       Part I                                          20:42
        B       Part II                                         19:49
TTW     127     THE PATHFINDERS : Imagine Something Yesterday           CS      04.2020

        A1      The Dancing Years                               3:12
        A2      Police Surgeon II                               2:42
        A3      Long Shadows                                    3:21
        A4      The Listening Trees                             7:45
        A5      One Of Jupiter’s Moons                          7:49
        A6      Radio Silence                                   5:08
        B1      Beheading Of…                                   2:28
        B2      Something Abstract                              2:31
        B3      One Step Ahead                                  2:10
        B4      Classic                                         1:26
        B5      Bigger Noise                                    3:50
        B6      Police Surgeon                                  2:57
        B7      Horse’s Mouth                                   2:15
        B8      Other Clothes                                   5:07
        B9      Iron Man Rusts                                  5:00
                (Note : cassette , 127 copies)
TTW     128     CANDURA                 /II                             CS      04.2020

        1.      /II                                             14:56
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)
TTW     129     JIYEON KIM : LONG DECAY AND NEW EARTH                   CS      06.2020

        A       Rehearsal, 28 December 2019                     21:45
        B       Performance, 29 December 2019                   21:45
TTW     130     NOT NOW                 WITHIN THE BEYOND               CS      06.2020

        A1      Cage Glow                                       6:31
        A2      Basilica                                        5:31
        A3      P8 Sister                                       4:26
        B1      Fleixh                                          6:32
        B3      Dth@Wsh                                         4:34
        B3      K Haut                                          3:09
TTW     131     STORM/MORTS             CLOCK RESISTANCE                CS      09.2020

        1.      Entropic Clock Resistance                       37:13
        2.      Isentropic Clock Resistance                     37:12
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)
TTW     132     GABIE STRONG            MY BODY DID THIS TO ME          CS      09.2020

        1.      At Land and Sea                                 22:14
        2.      Living In Thee Ende Tymes                       10:42
        3.      Post-exostoses                                  18:32
        4.      "The Word For World Is Forest"                  22:46
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)
TTW     133     OS SENHORES             THE ONE-LEGGED CYCLIST          CS      09.2020

        A       One Leg                                         22:57
        B1      The Other Leg                                   12:46
        B2      The Other Other Leg                             10:44
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)

        1.      Untitled                                        17:54
        2.      Untitled                                        20:24
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)
TTW     135     APIARY                  APIARY                          CS      12.2020

        A       Apis (Day)                                      23:09
        B       Apis (Night)                                    20:23
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)

Formed in Chicago in 2009 by guitarist David Daniell, drummer Steven Hess, electronics
chap Joseph Clayton Mills and bass clarinetist Jason Stein, Apiary entered and
attempted to bottle their compelling and unique sound - an improvised enmeshing of
minimalism, noise music and jazz. Revisiting those results a decade later to rework
and complete the recordings, ‘Apiary’ finally arrives on tape.
TTW     136     TRINOVANTES             HIDDEN CODES                    CS      12.2020

        A1      Turn Loose The Swans (My Dying Bride)           5:54
        A2      At Rest (Decomposed)                            4:32
        A3      From Ignorance to Oblivion (Gorefest)           5:34
        B1      Hallowed Be Thy Name (Iron Maiden)              5:51
        B2      Through The Collonades (Entombed)               7:01
        B3      The Night Eternal (At The Gates)                6:56
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)

Trinovantes is a new collaboration between experimental musicians Franz Kirmann and
Stuart Bowditch, whose friendship dates back to the mid-Noughties. On ‘Hidden Codes’,
released on cassette via The Tapeworm, they process metal tracks into MIDI and then
perform the resulting data via synthesisers and various software. The results are
ambient, but retain a vague sense of identity of the originals.
TTW     137     JIM HAYNES : Shortwave Radio Recordings On MiniDisc     CS      12.2020

Side A:
1.  Random tuning across various bands, picking up WWVB the time
    channel in the US, the American evangelist Brother Stair, German
    and Spanish newscasts. Recorded in 2003, Northern California.
2.  UBV-76 - the infamous Soviet-era Buzzer signal with a rare message
    being delivered at the top of the hour. Recorded in Barcelona,
    April 2001.
3.  A chorale joined by an SSB tone. Unknown date and location.
4.  Romanian language lesson, as recorded in Barcelona, April 2001.
5.  Detuned voices, South Carolina, 2007.
6.  Trumpeting fanfare cut to RTTY transmission. I'm not sure if this
    cut was done internally switching from station to station, or
    if I made the cut in the minidisc itself. I believe it was the
    former. Unknown date and location (probably Tennessee).
7.  Morse code transmission. Estonia, 2007.
8.  Sparse three dot transmission (the letter S, perhaps?) within
    a series of high energy utility signal bursts. The purpose of
    which escapes me. Unknown date and location.
9.  Ham Radio Relay Transmission. Unknown Date. Probably Northern
10. I always called this utility signal 'the calliope.' I have no
    idea what its purpose is. Unknown date. Unknown location.
11. This percolating utility signal was recorded in South Carolina,
12. Ham Radio Communication. Summer 2001. Tennessee.
13. Unknown Shortwave noise. Unknown location. Unknown date.

Side B
1.  Tuning in a SSB Ham radio broadcast. Unknown date, location.
2.  A brief snippet of a science fiction reading about 'Professor
    Cantrell' Barcelona, 2001.
3.  WWCR / Alex Jones broadcast. Christmas 2006, Nashville. I have no
    desire to re-broadcast any of that man's bullshit. But I politely
    ask that you take note of my editorial hand in response to Jones'
4.  Peculiarly warbling SSB detuned transmission. Melbourne, Australia,
5.  A conspiracy theorist speaking about fluoride and water fluorination.
    I heard him numerous times in the early '00s, but I am not sure of
    his identity. Other topics included home schooling and garden
    cultivation. Northern California, 2005.
6.  WBNY with Commander Bunny. One of the strangest pirate radio
    broadcasts. Unfortunately, the WBNY transmitter is very weak, and
    this was most understandable snippet of the recordings. South
    Carolina, 2007.
7.  Outlook on BBC World Service, discussing the future of payphones.
    Northern California, 2005.
8.  HF-GSC at 4724 kHz transmission from Andrews Air Force Base.
    This was one of the only times I actually wrote down a frequency,
    which is still being used as of 2020. Recorded in Death Valley, 2012.
9.  Radio Damascus. Estonia 2007.
10. SSB detuned transmission with distant crosstalk. Unknown location
    and date.
11. End of broadcast and interval signals for Radio Romania. Recorded
    in South Carolina, 2012.
12. Interval signal for Radio Vatican. Recorded in Estonia, 2007.

A veteran of the counter-cultural scene for decades, American multi-media artist
Jim Haynes presents, via The Tapeworm, a compilation of found sounds titled ‘Shortwave
Radio Recordings On MiniDisc (2001-2012)’. A range of esoteric, obsolete and otherwise
strange sounds are captured via a portable short wave radio.
TTW     138     NIGEL WRENCH            ZA87                            CS      03.2021

        1.      Seen
        2.      Unseen
TTW     139     VENOZTKS                HOW IT'S NOT MEANT TO BE        CS      12.2020

        1.      Secret                                          29:36
        2.      Secret
        3.      Secret
        4.      Secret
        6.      For 52 Years                                    29:30
        7.      For 52 Years
        8.      For 52 Years
        9.      For 52 Years

A nine-track album of mysterious ambient explorations from Venoztks, the recording
moniker of British experimental musician/the co-founder of The Tapeworm label Mike
Harding. Made without the use of synthesisers and constructed from samples snatched
off the airwaves, ‘How It’s Not Meant To Be’ is both a restful and occasionally
unsettling set of feedbacky musique concrete.
                OF HEARTS & HUMANS

        1.      At The Moment Of Being Heard
        2.      Ghosts
        3.      Journey From The Fall
TTW     141     HOWLROUND               WORM FOOD DELIVERY              CS      03.2021

        1.      Boiling Dark	
        2.      Black Frost (Screaming Skull)

‘Worm Food Delivery’ is a two-track piece performed by South London-based producer
Robin The Fog under his Howlround alias. Recorded under the 2020 lockdown and with
no edits, overdubs or added effects, both pieces were single takes, Side A being the
sound of a wine glass and the reverse constructed from the internal sounds of a tape
TTW     142     THE SONS OF GOD         ELECTRIC FAUNA                  CS      03.2021

        1.      Part I
        2.      Part II


TTW     150     OPAL X                  TWISTER                         CS      01.2022

Welcome to 'Twister'. In this eerie, pitch-black gothic ambience, a journey to the
depths of one's own soul can be found. Close your eyes, head titled back, and
experience the depths of Opal X's creative juices. It all amounts to a universe
of soundscapes embedded in an infinite industrial wall of noise.